R&D 소개
집중된 역량과 강력한 추진력을 바탕으로
글로벌 제품 개발 역량을 확보해나가겠습니다.
2012년 연구소 설립과 함께, 신제품 개발, 품질 혁신에 자사적인 자원을 집중하기 위해 운영하던 R&D 조직을 새롭게 출범시켰습니다. 기술연구소는 집중된 역량과 강력한 추진력을 바탕으로 R&D 인프라와 인력을 조기에 확보ㆍ육성하고, 품질, 원가, 성능 등 종합적인 측면에서 시장이 요구하는 최고 수준의 경쟁력 있는 제품을 적시에 공급하는 한편, 글로벌 R&D 체계를 구축해 글로벌 제품 개발 역량을 확보해 나감으로써 전사 비전의 달성을 앞당길 것입니다.
Since the establishment of the research center in 2012, SUNG - JU M.I will endeavor to build a strategic R&D system, and to actively secure and foster R&D experts in order to upgrade our technological competitiveness to a world-class level. Our initiative for technology development focuses on developing fundamental technologies for enhancing the competitiveness of current mass-produced products, as well as leading technologies for securing a competitive edge of our next-generation products and facilitating the development of innovative products. SUNG - JU M.I will continue to dedicate itself to “pioneering new business that will serve as growth engines in the future. With regard to enhancing research competency, SUNG - JU M.I will execute a technology strategy in conjunction with the corporate-wide strategy and develop a strategic technology development system based on its technology roadmap. We will also recruit talented research personnel and give them full support to help cultivate their vision and career as professional researchers. On the other hand, R&D divisions in BG are concentrating their resources on creating synergy with the R&D centers of our global subsidiaries. SUNG - JU M.I has received praise for its series of recently released next-generation, globally-competitive products